Tutorial: Setting up a radiographic scene with aRTist

Step 6: Construct a gas pore in the weld

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Next we want to introduce a spherical cavity in the weld. You can load another CAD file to define the geometry of the pore, but simple geometries can also be constructed directly.

  1. Click on the "Solid geometry" icon icon solid, or choose Modules/Solid from the menu. A new window appears as in the image above.
  2. You can press the dock icon pin of this window to attach it to the dock (optional)
  3. Select "ellipsoid" from the drop down list and mark the "X=Y=Z" checkbox to get a sphere
  4. Enter 2 for x. The settings for Phi and Theta control the resolution of the sphere. They can be left at their default values.
  5. Press OK to generate the sphere. It appears as a new part in the list.